It's a simple mix, but these are often the hardest, because there's nothing to hide behind." By the time we had finished the record, Lewis had spent his budget, and we mixed the song for no extra fee, because we believed in it.
Barnes: "The simple reason for that was budget. To mix their songs, TMS normally use the services of star mixers Serban Ghenea, Manny Marroquin or James F Reynolds, but this was a rare case of them mixing a final release themselves. The Mixer window adds three bus effect tracks, a bus for all vocals and a bus for all reverbs, a Stereo Out track, and a Master track. The entire session contains just seven musical elements: the piano, a sub-bass track, the Splice hit, two string tracks, backing vocals and a lead vocal.
The Logic Arrange window contains only 17 tracks, a count which includes three muted non-treated original vocal tracks, a MIDI and piano pedal track that service the piano, and a Splice sound that's spread over three tracks so it can be treated slightly differently each time, plus a lead vocal that's split over three tracks for the same reason. The arrangement of 'Someone You Loved' is indeed exceptionally simple. We only ended up using these strings in the middle eight section." Nowhere To Hide In the end a guy called Phil Cook did a string arrangement for us, just for the second chorus and until the end, and we said it had to be dark and minimal. So we had a piano that sounded great, and vocals that sounded great, and then we tried a string arrangement, but this clouded the arrangement up, so we had to keep that very minimal. "I played the piano on the song, and then Froe went into MIDI and made it work. We had totally not anticipated this becoming a number one, so this has been a lesson for us as much as anything. At one point one of us suggested to add drums, and another said no, and that was probably the moment that stopped the song turning into a cacophonous mess. We played into that purposely, and it really worked out.
Kelleher: "We bought into this restrictive environment, without being able to spend thousands of pounds on live strings or what not. We were also dealing with a limited budget, and only with Lewis and his manager, so there were no A&Rs breathing down our neck wanting to try a million and one things." Every A&R these days says 'Can't we make it simpler?' - not necessarily musically, but sonically. It's funny, simplicity is fashionable at the moment. "With 'Someone You Loved' it really was two writing sessions, and us spending a couple of days finishing off and mixing. We have been guilty of throwing the kitchen sink at a record, and then at the end we'd try to brutally strip it down again, asking what parts of the arrangement we really care about. Kohn: "We've definitely gotten into the production Bermuda Triangle, where you're making things complicated and you rely on someone coming in and saying: 'Stop! The demo was better!' Most of our hits have had real production journeys that took a long time to get right.
One of the most striking features of 'Someone You Loved' is the fact that the arrangement is kept extremely simple: it's essentially just one piano, with some embellishments. Video of Lewis Capaldi - Someone You Loved Minimalism