Mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops
Mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops

mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops
  1. #Mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops update
  2. #Mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops software

The results for 1000/2500/500/JJOS Free/JJOS1/JJOS2 are virtually identical, so I’ve combined them into a single test.I did find that project file loading could be a little buggy unless you follow a very specific procedure. MPC Renaissance Review: MPC1000/2500/500/JJOS Free/JJOS1/OS2 Support Of course remember that there’s no synth or audio track support in the Ren (not yet anyway) so any MPC5000 synth programs or audio tracks are not coming over, but you can of course use the imported MIDI tracks to run any VST synth you wish. The main work will be reapplying effect settings (but that’s going to be fun considering the rather ample effects options available).

mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops

MPC5000 owners will have very little work to carry out when transferring their existing projects to the MPC Renaissance.

  • Mapped but adjusted values: ADSR, LFO, filters.
  • Identical: Mute groups/mute targets, sample layer assigns, tuning, layer play modes, mixer settings, sequencer events and settings, song files, keygroup settings for (50k) programs.
  • Ignored: Effects, audio tracks, synth (50v) programs.
  • From what I can see, all program parameters transferred perfectly. In a separate test, I loaded up a 50k (keygroup) program. In the end, the MPC Renaissance is running different technology, so some things will sound different, even if parameters are transferred over identically.

    mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops

    Whether or not these new values give the same ‘sound’ as the original is a matter that would need deeper investigation, but I suspect you’ll probably have to do a little tweaking regardless. For example, the kick on A1 should have a low pass filter ‘FREQ’ of 73, but in the Ren it’s 93 1.27 * 73 = 92.7, i.e. I believe the reason for this is that in legacy MPCs the maximum value for many program parameters is 100, while in the Ren it is generally 127, so a ratio of approximately 1.27 has been applied to the original parameter values.

    #Mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops software

    It looks like all program parameters have been transferred to the Ren, but they are mapped out in the MPC Software with slightly different values to the originals found in the MPC5000 project file. Other than that, the sequences and song data seems to be identical. Slider events were also transferred, but they sounded very different when played back through the MPC Renaissance’s sequencer, so you’ll probably have to re-record or tweak those. And as the MPC Software has no built in synth, 50v synth programs are also ignored. The only exception seems to be effect settings, which are completely ignored (which is the same for all the MPCs in this test). Project files load up every time without any missing samples, programs or sequences, and pretty much every parameter is transferred over. The MPC5000 has the best MPC Renaissance support.

    mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops

    #Mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops update

    When Akai release an update to the MPC Software, I will create an updated MPC Renaissance review accordingly. In all the tests I was loading the projects into OS v1.0 of the new ‘MPC Software’. I’ll try to do a similar test for older MPCs asap. I’ve initially concentrated on all the ‘Numark Era’ MPCs: MPC1000/2500/500/5000, and I also tested all the JJ operating systems: JJOS Free/OS1/OS2/OS XL. The beat itself, while pretty basic actually contains a lot of different program parameters, mixer settings and Q-Link slider events, so we can see exactly what is transferred, what is changed and what is ignored. To test the Renaissance’s compatibility with older MPC projects I made a 4 bar sequence in my MPC1000 and then loaded the project file into various MPCs, tweaked it so it sounded exactly the same in each one, re-saved the project within each MPC and then loaded up each project into the Ren.

  • You have sample libraries designed specifically for legacy MPCs and need to ensure they work in your MPC Renaissance.
  • You collaborate with other producers who use legacy MPCs.
  • You plan to sell your old MPC and need to ensure your old projects can still be loaded should you ever need to re-record them.
  • You see the MPC Renaissance and all its new features as an opportunity to revisit some of your old beats and improve on them.
  • In this MPC Renaissance review, I wanted to address an issue for many ‘legacy’ MPC owners – will your existing MPC beats load up into the MPC Renaissance? So far since its release, I’ve not really seen any detailed MPC Renaissance reviews on legacy support, and it was an area highlighted by Akai as one they’d put some effort into. So why is this so much of a concern for some people? Here’s a few reasons:

    Mpc renaissance auomatic face in for sample chops